GI Press Project 4235 Sansom St. Philadelphia, PA 19104
Friend and faculty: The GI Press Project preserves — without regard to ideology or organizational affiliation — all surviving physical copies of the anti-war manifestoes, newspapers, pamphlets and posters produced by active duty servicemen and veterans during the Vietnam War. These papers reported on the claims and actions of thousands of their fellow draftees and enlisted men, who detested the war and the inequities of their everyday lives in the military. While the physical condition of these newspapers and pamphlets is not uniformly dire, all are aging and some close to the point where the paper is so brittle it cracks when handled and can not be prepared for digitization. If nothing is done to preserve this remarkable body of primary source materials, it will become impossible for sholars and students, working in a variety of fields, to accurately reconstruct the debates that animated the GI Press and the public actions of the GI movement on which it reported. In 14 months, the project has preserved 1190 newspapers and 65 pamphlets. There are 1250 publications remaining to be digitized. This can not be done without your support and a contribution of as little as $5 - 10 will be used by the project to complete this work. As Dr. Howard Levy has observed, in the documentary film Sir! No Sir!: “It's very rare … in anybody's life that you have an opportunity to … chang[e] history, that you're a part of history.” Over the last 30 years there has been a deliberate effort to reconfigure collective memory and efface Dr. Levy and the tens of thousands of other GIs whose actions helped end the Vietnam war, from the histories of the war. Your contribution will end this. You can contribute to the GI Press Project by sending a check, payable to Veterans for Peace Chapter 31, an independent 501(c)(3), or by clicking the Paypal button above. If you prefer to send a check, please address it to Thompson Bradley, 11 Price's Lane, Rose Valley, PA 19065, with a note stating they are to be directed to the GI Press Project. These monies are tax deductible and Veterans for Peace Chapter 31 are generously refusing to deduct any monies to cover their administrative costs. If you prefer to use Paypal, these mnonies are not tax deductible. Thank you for reading this letter. Please forward it to persons, or organizations, you think might be interested. If you wish to send their information to – for inclusion in our academic mailing list – this would be helpful, as we do not keep track of email you have forwarded. Yours Truly, James Lewes, PhD.
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